Correction of the mind is forgiveness in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) which solution means to choose Love (Atonement) and deny the ego judgment miscreations. We’ve simply been doing the opposite. Of the miscreations, what is not commonly understood is that the ego has both a wrong and right mind; and all ego judgments must be relinquished for correction (forgiveness). The ego right mind is the portion that believes it is God and judgment is necessary. Having assigned God judgmental attributes like its own thought system, the ego has no problem coming up with a version of forgiveness that destroys.
Relinquishment, in ACIM, means nothing more than to voluntarily give something up because it has no value to you. The ego right mind has convinced you that certain judgments are necessary to live in this world; and, it uses some very subtle tricks to justify its attacks and make them seem valuable. Remember that attacks, from the ego’s viewpoint, are to defend its position and keep judgment going as separation must be reinforced at all cost.
In this article we are going examine an aspect of the ego right mind of forgiveness to destroy known as “better than you.” While most are familiar with the ego wrong mind, understanding the ego right mind so you can choose to give up its judgments is vitally important to returning the mind to peace. There is no compromise in ACIM when it comes to judgment. All of it must be relinquished for correction of the mind (forgiveness) and Love chosen instead.
What is Forgiveness to Destroy:
One of the main characteristics of forgiveness to destroy is that it sees absolutely every error of any kind. Only the ego sees error and has a need to correct error. God says error never occurred and you are guiltless and innocent.
Forgiveness to destroy would be ego judging error under the guise of “necessary” or “nice” or even “kind” as the aspect of ego’s forgiveness. In other words, the ego says there is “necessary forgiveness” and “nice forgiveness” being done as a kindness because it is nice and necessary.