What are the earnings of a Human growth hormone for sale uk Technicians? How well are they paid? Such questions always intrigue the mind of a person, who is planning to choose Pharmacy field as his/her career option.
There are numerous factors, which have bearings on the Pharmacy Technician Earnings. The main causes, which affect the salary of these professionals include, location of the pharmacy, influx of the customers and patients, education, training and qualification, experience, size of the pharmacy and odd duty hours. For example, a pharmacy located in a busy city center, where the rush of customers and patients are higher, pays good salary to its working professionals. Similarly, big pharmacies also manage to pay higher wages to its employees.
Other than these given factors, there are various other aspects also, which have greatly influenced wages and job prospects of a Pharmacy Technician. The rapid advancement in Medical science and new discoveries of numerous life saving drugs has created new health care awareness among the common people. These reasons have also spurted the numbers of professionalized Pharmacies all over the country, creating numerous job opportunities for the technicians. Such, pharmacies also seek Technicians, who are certified, better qualified, well trained and educated, and can handle the pharmacy works efficiently. They are also well paid as compared to less qualified pharmacy personnel.
At present, the basic salary of a Pharmacy Technician comes to around $25,000 for new comers or fresher, $30,000 for few years experienced and $40,000 for +5years experienced. The per hour salary is somewhere $9 to $17, depending on the experience and qualifications.
At a glance, the wages may not look attractive but, the projection of Bureau of Labor Statistics that, the employment opportunity in Retail Pharmacies will grow by 32 per cent in near future, bode well for the better earning of the Technicians. As per economists, greater the job opportunities, the higher will be the competition and salary level. They also estimate that the future hourly wage of the Pharmacy Technician will range around $18 to $23 per hour. Such, projections have also urged many professional to sit for the PTCB Certification Test and earn Certification for better earnings.