The Raw Food Diet: A Comprehensive Introduction

People on a raw food diet eat 100% raw, uncooked There are many people who find this a little difficult (often due to social reasons), so they choose a 75-99% raw food diet. Most raw foodists are vegetarian or vegan, but some eat raw fish and meat. The benefits of a high-raw or all-raw diet are clear.

The actual food eaten by raw foodists varies greatly, aside from those who eat a balanced raw diet, there are natural hygeinists, sproutarians, fruitarians, juicearians superfoodists, ecstatic foodists and living foodists.

Thousands of people each year are turning to the raw food diet. Why? Because these foods help your body stay clean on the inside, they give you energy, they’re full of life and they help people avoid disease associated with the Standard UK Diet (SUKD!!) and Standard American Diet (SAD!!). As our government embarks on healthy eating campaign after healthy eating campaign, let’s think about looking to nature to get it right. It’s sooooo simple!

If you don’t want to stop eating cooked foods, then make the decision to cut out microwaved foods and to have at least 50% raw food in each meal to stop yourself suffering from leukocytosis and a suppressed immune system.

Masses of variety. So much more than in Ye Olde 3D Worlde cooked days. My diet is so different from the SUKD. I base my recipes on the following foods: I personally pay particular attention to superfoods, such as maca, wheatgrass, goji berries, raw chocolate, chlorella, spirulina, algae and others.

Raw foodism is the oldest diet in the world. It’s the only diet for every species in the world except humans and the animals they keep. It’s the ultimate fast food diet — just pick and go! No more greasy pans or toxic oven cleaning chemicals to deal with.

The reality is, that your health isn’t something that should come down to cost. It can be expensive to buy organic fresh foods, but if you’re resourceful, it doesn’t have to be. Think about growing sprouts on your windowsill for a few pennies. Think about planting some fruit trees, growing greens, foraging. I know people from all walks of life who make raw living seem easy simply because they’re resourceful and fit raw food into their lives because they love the benefits. I also know of people who use every excuse under the sun to not eat raw, even though they say they want to! Money is just one of those excuses, if you want to eat raw, you will.

You don’t need it, but many people do have it. Dehydrators, a very strong blender, juicers and several other gadgets are often found in the raw foodists kitchen. Take your time with buying stuff, and remember that you can get by with just your hands!

You can be deficient in nutrients on any diet. The SUKD and SAD diets are low in phyto-nutrients, B12, the anti-oxidant vitamins, EFAs and water. The nutrients to watch out for on a UK-based raw food diet include vitamins B12 and D, essential fatty acids and protein. For the vitamins, I recommend a good multi-vitamin tablet. For EFAs, I recommend omega 3 oils, either proprietary or hemp or flax seed oils, vegan DHA (made from golden marine micro-algae) and flax, chia and hemp seeds in the diet. The superfoods will cover your protein needs when eaten regularly, and of course, there’s the wonderful hemp protein powder. There is no need to eat animals to get enough protein — I’ve been a vegan since 1987 and only ever felt protein deficient when on a high-fruit diet. I certainly don’t recommend this way of eating to anyone.

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